Grossberg Company LLP Introduces SafeSend Returns® for Tax Return Delivery

We are pleased to offer our clients a simple, secure and automated electronic tax return delivery experience. SafeSend Returns provides a user-friendly interface that walks you through a guided process of on-screen tax return review, electronic signature of e-file authorization form(s) and options for making tax and/or estimated tax payments. Just verify your identity, enter an access code and follow the step-by-step instructions. It is that easy.

The Benefits of Using SafeSend Returns

  • Receive your return securely without the need to set-up an account or remember a password.
  • Access your return across all platforms: computer, smartphone, or tablet.
  • Electronically review and sign your e-file authorization form(s).
  • Electronically receive tax payment and/or estimated tax payment reminders.
  • Download a copy of your tax return for your files.
  • Securely forward your tax return to anyone you choose, such as a banking institution.
  • Electronically access your tax return via SafeSend Returns for seven years.
  • For businesses – conveniently distribute your K-1s electronically.

How it Works

  1. Receive an email from Grossberg Company LLP via
  2. The Grossberg Company LLP name/logo will be shown within the email.
  3. The email will contain a safe link for you to access your tax return.
  4. For 1040 filings only, you will be prompted to enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number to verify your identity.
  5. SafeSend Returns will email you an access code to further verify your identity. Check your spam or junk folders if you do not see the access code in your inbox. The code must be entered within 10 minutes of receipt. If the code is not entered within 10 minutes, you can request a new code.
  6. Review your return and when ready, sign your e-file authorization form(s). You will be asked three simple questions to further verify your identity.
  7. Once signed, the e-file authorization form(s) will be automatically returned to Grossberg Company LLP so we can electronically file your tax return on your behalf.

1040 Client Experience

The video below walks you through the individual 1040 client experience using SafeSend Returns.

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **

Entity Client Experience with K-1 Distribution

The video below shows you a typical entity return experience from the perspective of the taxpayer, including K-1 distribution.

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **

Tax Organizer – Step-by-Step Guide

Below is a step-by-step visual guide to walk through the client experience from beginning to end.

Tax Organizer Client Experience

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **

Initial Email

  1. Receive an email from Grossberg Company LLP via
  2. The Grossberg Company LLP name/logo will be shown within the email.
  3. The email will contain a link to access your tax organizer. Click on the link to continue.

Start Page

You will see the following:

  1. The Grossberg Company name/logo will be shown in the top left of the screen.
  2. Contact Person link in the upper right of the screen.
    • This will allow you to reach out to the firm if you have any questions about your organizer.
  3. An organizer envelope with the following:
    • The Grossberg Company LLP logo
    • The document description and name of the recipient.
  4. Click on the Get Started button to continue

Verification Screen

  1. Click the Request Access Code button.
    • Once selected, a green banner will appear letting you know that your access code request has been received.
  2. Once you receive the Access Code via your email, Enter it in the Code Field.
  3. Once entered, click on Continue.

Welcome Page

  1. You will see a quick overview of the steps in SafeSend Organizers.
  2. Select Click Here to Continue.

Sign Engagement Letter

  1. At the top left of the engagement letter, click the Start button to begin.
  2. Click the Next button.
  3. Click the Signature Box.
  4. Type or Draw your signature.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Click Finish.

Completing Your Tax Organizer

After signing the Engagement Letter, you will be directed back to the Welcome Page. From here you can do the following:

  1. Download the Signed Engagement Letter.
  2. Complete your Tax Organizer.
  3. Upload Documents.

Filing In your Tax Organizer

  • If your Organizer was delivered to both you and your spouse, when you click on Complete Organizer or Click Here to Continue, you will receive the following pop-up message:
    • “Note:  You will want to ensure that only one person is editing the tax organizer at a time. If both spouses are editing the organizer, some edits may not be saved.”
  1. Navigation
    • You can use the Bookmarks Panel on the left to move to a specific page within the organizer.
    • You can use the navigation arrows at the bottom center of the page or just above the organizer to click through the organizer pages.
    • You can type a page number into the box on the toolbar above the organizer to navigate to a specific page.
    • You can zoom in or out on the organizer using the zoom buttons or dropdown options on the toolbar above the organizer.
  2. Notes to Preparer comment box will appear on each page of the organizer in the bottom right of the page. Notes on each page are limited to 200 characters. For notes exceeding 200 characters, please upload them in a separate document.
  3. The organizer pages will have fillable fields for you to enter the applicable information. If possible, you will want to complete all pages of the organizer.
    • Note: If the organizer is sent to you and your spouse, edits made will be color coded so you can identify who made the change.
  4. In addition to filling in the organizer, certain pages will have the option to upload corresponding source documentation. Click on the Click Here To Upload button. You can drag and drop or browse to upload your documentation.
    • Note: If you do not see this section, you will not be able to upload a source document at that time. You will be able to upload additional documents from the Welcome Page.
    • In the Bookmark list, icons are added to those pages that may require source documentation.
    • Acceptable file types include Word, PDF, Excel, PNG and JPG.
  5. Click Save & Continue Later if you are not done completing the organizer but need to return to it later. You will be directed back to the Welcome Page.
  6. Finish – Use this option if you have finished completing the organizer. See below for more information.
    • Note: If your organizer is substantially complete and you are waiting on an additional document, please select “Finish” so we can get started. Once you receive the additional information, please reach out to your firm contact.

Finishing the Tax Organizer

After you Click the Finish button, you will receive a pop-up notification to confirm you are done.

  1. Click Review Missing Information if you are not finished with your organizer.
  2. Click Finish if you are done filling out your organizer. You will receive a confirmation email indicating that we have received your organizer. The email also contains a link should you need to view/download the organizer.
  3. After you click Finish, you will be directed to the Welcome page.
  4. At this time you can select the Upload Documents button if you have additional source documentation to provide us.

If your organizer was sent to you and your spouse, the pop-up notification will look slightly different after clicking Finish.

  1. Click Send for Review if you would like your spouse to review the organizer.
  2. Click Finish if you are done with your organizer.

After you click the Finish button, you will be directed back to the Welcome page.

Uploading Additional Documentation

  1. Click on Upload Documents on the Welcome page.
  2. You can drag and drop or browse to upload your documentation.
    • You can upload multiple documents at once.
    • You can upload Word, PDF, Excel, PNG and JPG files.
    • Documents should not be encrypted, password protected or locked.
  3. Click Continue Later if you need to return later to upload more documents.
  4. Click Finish when you have uploaded your source documentation.
    • Note: Once you click Finish, you will no longer be able to upload additional documents. We will only be notified that additional documents have been uploaded when you click Finish. If you have uploaded substantially all of your documents and waiting on an additional document, please select Finish so we can get started. Once you receive the additional information, please reach out to your firm contact.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand, like any new technology, there may be some confusion. Our hope is to make working with your team at Grossberg Company LLP as easy and convenient as possible. Below are several frequently asked questions we believe will help.

How will it work?

  • Shortly before your return is sent to you, you will receive an email from Grossberg Company LLP advising you to expect your tax return via SafeSend Returns.
  • Once your return has been completed, you can expect an email from Grossberg Company LLP at Check your spam or Junk folder if you do not see it.

Will it work with any internet browser?

For the best experience, we recommend using Google Chrome. It will also work in Safari, Firefox as well as other browsers but we strongly discourage using Internet Explorer while using SafeSend.

Can I use my phone or tablet? Does SafeSend Returns offer an app for my smartphone?

You may complete certain tasks on your phone or tablet, however, at this time we find it easier for most clients to use a computer. There is currently no SafeSend Returns app available.

How will I securely access the software?

For 1040 returns only – Once you click the link in your email from SafeSend Returns, you will be required to enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number. You will then request an Access Code, which will be emailed to you by SafeSend. Copy and paste or enter the Access Code on the next screen within 20 minutes.

What if I can’t remember the Access Code or it expires?

You can click on any link in any email from SafeSend Returns and you will be sent a new link for a new Access Code. It doesn’t matter how old the email is.

Can I review my tax return before signing it?

Yes. You will be able to review any portion of your tax return prior to signing.

How will I verify or confirm my identity to be able to sign my personal return?

You will be required to answer Knowledge-Based Authentication questions before signing is allowed. This is an Internal Revenue Service requirement. The questions are pulled from government and credit sources. For example, you may be asked a question such as where did you live during a given year, or when you bought your car or home. In the event the question does not apply to you, simply choose the answer that accurately reflects this. If you are unable to answer the questions after three attempts, you will be given the opportunity to print your e-file forms and securely upload them via SafeSend Returns after signing.

I received a message saying that I couldn’t electronically sign my return and that I need to download the e-file forms. Why?

If an individual has not established a significant history in the United States, perhaps because you are younger than 18 years of age or live outside the United States, there will not be enough government and financial information available to construct Knowledge-Based Authentication questions.

How is this process different from e-filing?

SafeSend Returns allows you to electronically sign your e-file authorization form(s), but it will not submit your return to the government. Once signed, Grossberg Company LLP is automatically notified, and we will then submit your return(s) to the respective government agencies.

How will my spouse and I sign a joint return?

One taxpayer at a time will go through the signing process. After the first taxpayer signs, the second will receive an email from SafeSend Returns notifying them to sign the return.

Can I sign my dependent’s return electronically?

We will deliver your dependent’s return via SafeSend Returns, however, due to Knowledge-Based Authentication requirements, a minor dependent may not qualify. You will need to manually sign and return your dependent’s e-file authorization form(s) to Grossberg Company LLP.

Will I get reminders about signing my e-file forms?

You will receive regular reminders every seven days and possibly more often as the filing deadline approaches.

After signing my e-file authorization form(s), will I receive confirmation that it was successfully submitted?

Yes. Once you sign your e-file authorization form(s), you will receive an email stating it was successful. The email will also include a link to download a copy of your tax returns for your records.

Do I have to finish the review and signing process in one sitting?

No, you can put your return aside and come back to it at any time.

Will I get reminders about estimated payments?

If estimated payments are included in your return, you will automatically receive an email reminder seven days prior to the due date.

Will I have the option to download and print my return to retain for my records?

Yes, you will have the opportunity to do so after you’ve signed your returns. You will be able to download and print your returns at any time for seven years from the date they were issued.

What is signer delegation?

Signer delegation allows someone other than the signer to review a tax return, then delegate the signature to the person authorized to sign the e-file authorization forms. This is most commonly used with business returns where a CFO or Controller reviews a return but the signer is a different person, such as the CEO.

Can I send K-1s to recipients via SafeSend Returns?

After you sign the return, you will be given the opportunity to either securely email the recipients directly once you’ve edited their details or you can download and print the K-1s to mail.

Can I send my tax return to a 3rd party?

After you have signed your return, you can forward the entire return or portions of it to anyone you choose at any time. To prevent the result of errors in email addresses, the recipient will need to verify their identity.

If I need a copy of my return in a couple of years, how can I access it?

Your tax return will be available through SafeSend Returns for seven years. You can click on any link in any email from SafeSend Returns. It doesn’t matter how old the email is. You will receive a link with an Access Code from You can proceed to download an electronic copy of your return or forward it to a 3rd party.

What if I need help navigating through SafeSend?

You may contact our Client Success Team by email or calling 301-571-1900.